The Organized Gardener

Making progress on the new garden shedLet me be clear up front – the title of this post is not referring to me. 🙂

At least not this year. My new husband and I moved in together a few months ago – and between work and kids and… life… I don’t think I’ve ever been so busy.

Which means a lot of our home, farm and garden-y type projects have taken a little longer than we thought they would.

BUT – We finally made some progress this weekend on my garden shed – yay!

We primed it a couple weeks ago, which looked a little odd, (“boring” was the feedback from the girls) – but now, thanks to a few coats of barn red paint and some bright white trim – it’s starting to look a little more like I envisioned it.

We are a few weeks away from having it fully functional, though – still need to finish the inside walls and add the requisite hooks, cabinets and wall organizers to get everything up off the floor and put away where it belongs.

I can’t wait to have all my garden supplies organized again!

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Interior View Garden Shed

It’s amazing what a difference it makes to be able to find all your stuff in one centralized location vs. having to constantly go searching for what you need.

Obviously, this is not surprising – but now that I am nearing the end of a full season without any form of organized garden tool storage options… I will never take how much time, money and mental energy being organized can save for granted ever again.

One thing I do know for sure, though – I am really looking forward to starting next gardening season with all the change and transition behind me…  and a single place to find all my must-have garden tools and materials.

Happy Gardening!


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